It's interesting to see Haiti's poor agricultural productivity being blamed on small scale household farming, because exactly the opposite argument has been made to explain the Asian "development miracle". In How Asia Works, Joe Studwell traces the origin of economic takeoff in Japan, Korea, and Taiwan to land reforms that redistributed big landholdings into family plots, which could be cultivated intensively to generate an economic surplus, and the proceeds helping to kick-start industrialization. The Philippines, where land reform stalled, provided a negative comparison.

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A lot of discussion of symptoms without addressing the elephant causing them.

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Why did you ignore how Haiti invaded and occupied what is now the Dominican Republic from 1822 to 1844 with the excuse of abolishing the little existing slavery and then prohibited Dominicans from speaking Spanish, practicing Catholicism, studying at the university and imposing part of the debt contracted with France?

Haiti was born as a hostile, racist and criminal nation against the Spanish-speaking people of the island. Hence, we Dominicans do not have the slightest confidence in Haitians.

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Good comments I guess many are indeed true and factual But as is often the case the spiritual component (which is 90 to 100 % of the problems) in the world is dismissed As the enemy of your soul continues to steal, kill and destroy you report the results natural solutions are thrown at spiritual manifestations and they dont work satan who is the god of this world has been influencing the mind of men since the garden and will continue until the Lord returns.

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Haiti genocided it’s whites.

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bla bla bla bla

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